When you no longer see results from your website and are struggling to attract users, you need to use some techniques to build organic traffic to your website. It is well known that today digital is the most functional channel to guarantee new valid contacts, so let's find out together what tactics to implement to optimize and improve a website's organic traffic.
Let’s have a brief introduction to Organic Traffic First
Organic traffic is all visits received to the website, blog, or e-commerce, coming from searches made by users on Google and other search engines who click on the organic result of the SERP.
For this to happen, however, a pre-requisite is necessary: the website must be optimized from an SEO perspective; it must respond to specific technical and qualitative criteria, such as to please the search engine. As a reward, the opportunity to place yourself among the first results that will appear to the user when they search keywords related to your business.
Difference between organic traffic, paid traffic, direct traffic
A non-trivial aspect of understanding organic traffic's advantages is that it is free. Free is what makes organic research the most coveted channel for those who have decided to invest online to launch or relaunch a business.
Unlike "paid traffic," organic traffic does not require an extra budget investment other than paying the consultant or SEO agency that will optimize the site. As you have already explored in this article, in fact, having an optimized site is the first requirement to generate quality organic SEO traffic and to exploit the potential of this free channel.
Therefore, it can be said that organic traffic is the opposite of paid traffic, within which you should include Google Ads campaigns and any other kind of external and paid signal through which to channel traffic to the site.
Returning to the initial distinction between organic, paid, and direct traffic, it is good to know that this distinction between the different types of channels that can bring traffic to a site is the same that you will find within Google Analytics. The tool, in fact, can tell which channel the visits to the site originated from, also providing numerous details on the device, geographical area, user behavior, etc.
Are you wondering How to increase website traffic organically? There are several ways to increase traffic on a website. Some are concerned with the investment in advertising, others the communication on social networks. But the positioning of keywords relevant to your business remains one of the most interesting long-term solutions.
Let’s discover three ways to increase organic traffic to your website!
1. Improve the CTR on the SERP
Let's start with the easiest things. Such, for example, the pages you have already placed on the SERP for certain keywords. Are these pages getting adequate clicks?
If the answer is no, the problem is that users don't feel pressured to choose that result instead of others when they do a search. What are the elements that influence this decision? Definitely meta title and meta description!
Make sure you optimize these two elements to increase the CTR on already placed pages. This strategy is straightforward because it requires very little effort and relies on a good starting point: the pages already have a good ranking. Since this result is not to be taken for granted, its potential must be maximized.
Meta titles and meta descriptions are often taken for granted. Some even let the description be randomly generated from the first few lines of text on the page! Don't forget that these are the only two elements a user has to decide if a search result meets his or her needs. It's time to optimize them to the fullest!
2. Increase the ranking of pages already positioned well
Do you think it is more likely to appear in the top ten results when the page you work on is in 15th place or 60th? As you can guess, one way to increase organic traffic is to focus on the content with the most potential.
Typically, you should start from the keywords that place you on the second page of the SERP. The step from there to the first page is short, but the difference in terms of traffic is huge. And this concept is all the more valid when you will examine the various positions on the first page. Being the first result of a query is incredibly different from being the second, and so on.
Also, you must make an honest and thorough comparison between your content and those that dominate the top positions to be on the top. Domain authority, text length, backlinks, and several other factors are why those pages rank so high. Can you do any better? If nothing else, now you know where you need to work!
3. Position the same page for multiple keywords
Here is a delicate issue. Can it be useful to rank the page for multiple keywords? In reality, this subtitle is provocative; what really interests us is the “long tail” keywords.
Since your content must be consistent and focused, it is clear that you cannot rank the same page for multiple keywords without confusing the user and the search engine. Unless you are talking about variations of the main keyword, that is the basis for the theme you are dealing with!
Long tail keywords respond to more targeted search intent and are a great way to avoid repeating the same keyword over and over. Basically, we're using variations and reworkings of the main concept that allow us to keep reading enjoyable and intercept more searches.
The ideas in this article will help you grow organic traffic to your website quickly and effectively! Do you need support to develop a suitable SEO strategy for your business? Contact a professional SEO agency today for a free consultation!